Pacific Union College Course Lists
Courses for 25/TWI Terms
Number of Courses Listed: 13
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TermStatusDeptCourseDescriptionDatesDaysTimesLocTypeCapEnrolWaitCreditFacultyGE CatFull Description
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-221-NANURSING IV01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLEC300 6.0Helene Linzau Reinforces and expands on concepts previously;learned and introduces students to concepts;related to the individual (immunity; inflammation;;cellular regulation II). Students focus on;managing care for patients with increasingly;complex alterations in health and more fully;integrating professional and;interpersonal/healthcare concepts into nursing;practice. Students achieve student learning;outcomes by integrating knowledge; skills; and;attitudes in classroom; laboratory; and clinical;settings.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours) and three;clinical units (90 clock hours).
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-221L-NACLINICAL LAB01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLAB300 0.0Veessa Chance-Johnson  
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-254-NAMENTAL HEALTH NURSING01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLEC300 6.0D Wallace/K Little Reinforces and applies concepts previously learned;to the mental health setting and introduces;students to concepts related to the individual;(addiction behaviors; cognition; development;;self; grief and loss; mood and affect; stress and;coping; violence) and to professional concepts;unique to the setting of mental health nursing.;Students achieve student learning outcomes by;integrating knowledge; skills; and attitudes in;classroom; laboratory; and clinical settings.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours) and three;clinical units (90 clock hours).
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-254L-NACLINICAL LAB01/12/25-06/04/25 ARR ýLAB300 0.0J Youngdale/D Wallace/K Little  
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-255-NAPEDIATRIC NURSING01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLEC300 5.0D Wallace/S Staff Reinforces and applies concepts previously learned;to the pediatric setting and introduces students;to individual concepts (development; child health;and wellness; family) and professional concepts;unique to the setting of pediatric nursing.;Students achieve student learning outcomes by;integrating knowledge; skills; and attitudes in;classroom; laboratory; and clinical settings.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours) and two;clinical units (60 clock hours).
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-255L-NACLINICAL LAB01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLAB750 0.0D Wallace/T Robert/N Piaubert/L Owens  
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-297-01DIRECTED STUDY01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRDS10 1.0-4.0Debra Wallace  
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-325-NANURSING VI01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLEC300 3.0M Duncan/D Wallace Reinforces and expands on concepts previously;learned. Students focus on managing care for;multiple patients and fully integrating;professional concepts into nursing practice.;Students achieve student learning outcomes by;integrating knowledge; skills; and attitudes in;classroom and clinical settings.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours) and six;clinical units (180 clock hours).
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-325L-NACLINICAL LAB01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLAB360 5.0D Wallace/M Duncan  
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-326-NAMGMT & PROF PRACTICE01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLEC300 3.0Debra Wallace Reinforces and expands on concepts previously;learned with emphasis on professional concepts;essential to patient care management (advocacy;;clinical decision making; collaboration;;delegation; ethics; management and leadership;;legal issues). Students achieve student learning;outcomes by integrating knowledge; skills; and;attitudes in classroom settings.Eligible for IP;grading.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours).
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-335-WEBADV HEALTH ASSESSMENT01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRLE/LA300 4.0Tamara Tirado Reinforces and builds upon the concept of;assessment focusing on further application and;integration of skills of taking a full health;history; collecting assessment data; and;distinguishing normal from abnormal findings.;Advanced assessment techniques are introduced and;skills developed. Students achieve student;learning outcomes by integrating knowledge;;skills; and attitudes in classroom and laboratory;settings.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours) and one;clinical unit (30 clock hours).;;Enrollment limited to students in the BSN program.;
25/TWIOpenNUNURS-497-01DIRECTED STUDY01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRARR ARRDS10 1.0-4.0Susan Bussell  
25/TWIOpenTHRELH-314-FLWORLD RELIGIONS HLTHCR PROF01/12/25-06/04/25ARRARRON LINELEC250 3.0Laura WibberdingII.EAn introduction to great traditions of world;religions and to concepts for the study and;comparison of these traditions for healthcare;professionals. Emphasis on non-Judeo-Christian;traditions. Includes an examination of these;religions in relation to Christianity.

Last updated: 10/6/2024 11:10:17 PM